Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama wins!!!!!

Its 8:16 pm and I just want to add to the zeitgeist that is presently running rampant now all over the country.

Barack Obama will be the president of The United States by Midnight!

I cannot wait to experience that moment as it will signal the complete and final repudiation of the politics of fear and intolerance perpetrated by the Republicans under the helm of Rove. It will also mark the beginning of hope, enthusiasm and fellowship as the dominant aspects of American society after their long absence under the Bush administration.

This day will go down in history as the moment America was reborn in the spirit of its true ideals.


J.R. LeMar said...

I'm not celebrating until I see John McCain, on stage, publicly conceding the race.

C. S. Currie (Hypestyle) said...

I hope and pray that this moment comes to pass tonight, with no flim-flam!! Revolution has got to be televised!!

J.R. LeMar said...

Okay, NOW it's REAL!


aris said...

Are we still celebrating?

Where the party at?


Luthor said...

I'M still celebrating!